Amplification, rearrangement, or overexpression of the gene for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) occurs in certain types of human neoplasia. We investigated EGFR gene structure and measured EGFR mRNA levels in human renal tumor biopsies. Seventeen renal tumors [13 renal cell carcinomas (RCCs), two Wilms' tumors, one oncocytoma, and one metastatic ganglioneuroblastoma] and their corresponding normal kidney tissues were examined for EGFR gene structural integrity by Southern blot hybridization. Twelve of these tumors (including 11 RCCs) were examined for EGFR mRNA expression levels by RNA blot hybridization. The EGFR gene was rearranged in one of 13 (8%) of the RCC specimens examined and was highly amplified in the ganglioneuroblastoma. The overall frequency of EGFR gene structure alterations in this series of renal tumors was 12%. Nine of 11 RCC specimens (82%) exhibited markedly elevated EGFR mRNA levels (approximately 2- to 6-fold). In contrast, expression of the EGFR-related protooncogene HER-2 (erbB-2) was found to be decreased in 11 RCCs and one Wilms' tumor; HER-2 gene structure, however, appeared normal in all specimens. These results indicate that overexpression of EGFR mRNA, probably due to changes in gene regulation, and underexpression of HER-2 mRNA are characteristic features of human RCC.