We report 2 cases of pancreatic cancer with distant organ metastasis. Case 1: A 67-year-old man with pancreatic cancer (T3N0M0, Stage III) underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). A follow-up computed tomography (CT) scan performed 48 months after the primary resection detected two masses in his right lung, which were treated by stereotactic body radiotherapy ( SBRT). Twenty-three months after SBRT, the patient is alive. Case 2: A 54-year-old woman with pancreatic cancer (T3N1M0, Stage III) underwent PD. A follow-up CT scan performed 12 months after the primary resection detected 3 masses in her liver, which were treated by SBRT. The patient died because of lymph node metastasis of the pancreatic cancer 32 months after SRT.