Worldwide, many hundreds of thousands of stents are implanted each year to revascularize occlusions in coronary arteries. Intravascular optical coherence tomography is an important emerging imaging technique, which has the resolution and contrast necessary to quantitatively analyze stent deployment and tissue coverage following stent implantation. Automation is needed, as current, it takes up to 16 h to manually analyze hundreds of images and thousands of stent struts from a single pullback. For automated strut detection, we used image formation physics and machine learning via a Bayesian network, and 3-D knowledge of stent structure via graph search. Graph search was done on en face projections using minimum spanning tree algorithms. Depths of all struts in a pullback were simultaneously determined using graph cut. To assess the method, we employed the largest validation data set used so far, involving more than 8000 clinical images from 103 pullbacks from 72 patients. Automated strut detection achieved a 0.91±0.04 recall, and 0.84±0.08 precision. Performance was robust in images of varying quality. This method can improve the workflow for analysis of stent clinical trial data, and can potentially be used in the clinic to facilitate real-time stent analysis and visualization, aiding stent implantation.