Aim: To descriptively analyse the outcomes following the national roll out of an e-Learning advanced life support course (e-ALS) compared to a conventional 2-day ALS course (c-ALS).
Method: Between 1st January 2013 and 30th June 2014, 27,170 candidates attended one of the 1350 Resuscitation Council (UK) ALS courses across the UK. 18,952 candidates were enrolled on a c-ALS course and 8218 on an e-ALS course. Candidates participating in the e-ALS course completed 6-8h of online e-Learning prior to attending the 1 day modified face-to-face course. Candidates participating in the c-ALS course undertook the Resuscitation Council (UK) 2-day face-to-face course. All candidates were assessed by a pre- and post-course MCQ and a practical cardiac arrest simulation (CAS-test). Demographic data were collected in addition to assessment outcomes.
Results: Candidates on the e-ALS course had higher scores on the pre-course MCQ (83.7%, SD 7.3) compared to those on the c-ALS course (81.3%, SD 8.2, P<0.001). Similarly, they had slightly higher scores on the post-course MCQ (e-ALS 87.9%, SD 6.4 vs. c-ALS 87.4%, SD 6.5; P<0.001). The first attempt CAS-test pass rate on the e-ALS course was higher than the pass rate on the c-ALS course (84.6% vs. 83.6%; P=0.035). The overall pass rate was 96.6% on both the e-ALS and c-ALS courses (P=0.776).
Conclusion: The e-ALS course demonstrates equivalence to traditional face-to-face learning in equipping candidates with ALS skills when compared to the c-ALS course. Value is added when considering benefits such as increased candidate autonomy, cost-effectiveness, decreased instructor burden and improved standardisation of course material. Further dissemination of the e-ALS course should be encouraged.
Keywords: ALS; Advanced life support; Assessment; Education; e-Learning.
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