The subhepatic position of an appendix may lead to difficulty in diagnosis of appendicitis, its surgical management as well as bizarre complications. A 'lost' appendicular faecolith is not an uncommon complication due to spillage during the removal of the appendix or due to perforation. Here we report a case of such a faecolith migrating into the liver parenchyma following intraoperative hepatic injury, and producing a liver abscess. The calcified lesion seen in the liver corresponded to a free-lying faecolith on a preoperative computed tomography scan. Liver abscess was presumed to arise from implantation of this foreign object into the liver parenchyma. Pigtail drainage of abscess was performed with good result.
Keywords: Appendicular faecolith; hepatic injury; laparoscopic appendectomy; liver abscess; subhepatic appendicitis.
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