Background and objectives: Understanding methamphetamine associated psychotic (MAP) symptom typologies could aid in identifying individuals at risk of progressing to schizophrenia and guide early intervention.
Methods: Latent class analysis (LCA) of psychotic symptoms collected from 40 (n = 40) methamphetamine dependent individuals with a history of psychotic symptoms but no history of a primary psychotic disorder.
Results: Three typologies were identified. In one, persecutory delusions dominated (Type 1), in another persecutory delusions were accompanied by hallucinations (Type 2), and in the third a high frequency of all the assessed hallucinatory and delusional symptoms was observed (Type 3).
Discussion and conclusion: MAP is a heterogeneous syndrome with positive symptom typologies.
Scientific significance: This study represents the first attempt at identifying typologies of MAP and highlights the potential utility of LCA in future large-scale studies.
© American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry.