Metastatic soft tissue sarcomas (STS) represent enormous challenges to improve the low survival rate, which is almost the same as past 2 decades ago. Prognosis of cancer patients are based not only on tumor-related factors but also on host-related factors, particularly systemic inflammatory response. We evaluated the association among possible risk factors and survival for metastatic STS by reviewed a single-institution nearly 50-year experience. We found that both monocyte ratio and NLR ratio were significant prognostic predictors for OS and PFS of metastatic STS. And patients with monocyte ratio or NLR ratio > 1 should be screened out as candidates for more intensive or aggressive multimodality treatments and more aggressive follow-up. For this reason, this result could serve as a basis for future prospective study.
Keywords: immunity; metastasis; prognosis; soft tissue sarcoma.