Global wheat production will benefit from cultivars showing genetic resistance to preharvest sprouting (PHS). Working on PHS resistance is still challenging due to the lack of simple protocols for the provocation of symptoms for appropriate trait differentiation under highly variable environmental conditions. Therefore, the availability of molecular markers for enhancing PHS resistance in breeding lines is of utmost importance. Genome-wide association mapping was performed to unravel the genetics of PHS resistance in a diversity panel of 124 winter wheat genotypes using both random and targeted marker locus approaches. Data for grain germination tests, spike wetting treatments, and field sprouting damage measurements of grains were collected in 11, 12, and four environments, respectively. Twenty-two quantitative trait loci (QTL) linked with 40 markers were detected for the three traits commonly used for assessing the PHS resistance of cultivars. All but five QTL on chromosomes 1B, 1D (two QTL), 3D, and 5D showed locations similar to previous studies, including prominent QTL on chromosomes 2BS, 3AS, and 4AL. The highest retrieval rate across environments was found for QTL on chromosomes 1D, 2BS, 3D, 4AL, and 7B. The study identified genomic signatures useful for marker-assisted improvement of PHS resistance not only in European breeding programs, but of global significance.