Purpose: Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) reduce transfusions and increase hemoglobin levels in patients with anemia of malignant disease. A medication guideline and pharmacist collaborative practice agreement (CPA) were developed and implemented to standardize ESA prescribing workflow. The use of ESAs in malignant diseases, in accordance with institutional guidelines, was evaluated to ensure safe and effacious use.
Methods: An observational study was conducted on all ESA doses given throughout a health system's cancer clinics prior to and after implementation of an ESA guideline and pharmacist CPA. The primary outcome measured was ESA therapy initiated in accordance with guidelines before and after the intervention. Secondary outcomes evaluated were nurse and pharmacist satisfaction, vitals recorded prior to dose, and transfusion rates in patients receiving ESA therapy before and after the intervention.
Results: In the pre-implementation group, criteria for initiation were not met by any of the 39 patients; prior to therapy, 5.1 % of patients had not had hemoglobin drawn, 23 % of patients had no iron studies completed, and 29.4 % of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients had no erythropoietin levels drawn. In the post-implementation group, prior to therapy, all patients had hemoglobin levels drawn, 16.67 % did not have iron studies completed, and all MDS patients had erythropoietin levels drawn appropriately. Chemotherapy-induced anemia (CIA) patients in the pre-implementation group had 71.4 % compliance with receiving chemotherapy within 8 weeks of ESA dose, and the post-implementation group had 100 % compliance.
Conclusion: An ESA guideline and pharmacist CPA aligned prescribing practices with the NCCN and ASCO guidelines and improved staff satisfaction.