In 1987-1988 160 type 2 diabetics, dispensarized in diabetological out-patient departments of the medical clinic of the Institute for Postgraduate training were subjected to neurological examinations. The selection of the group was governed by an effort to reduce to a minimum the association of other neurotoxic influences. The group therefore comprised subjects under 60 years of age; diabetics with other diseases with a possible neurotoxic action, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, etc. were eliminated. After a detailed neurological examination signs of affection of the peripheral nervous system were detected in 87.5%, clinically manifest diabetic neuropathy was found in 78 diabetics (48.75%); 12 had moreover mononeuropathy of the median nerve. The clinical picture was uniform: impaired perception of vibrations on the acra of the lower extremities with ascendent propagation, reduction to disappearance tendinous-muscular reflexes on the lower extremities. Subjectively more frequently cramps of the feet than paraesthesias were reported. The authors revealed that long-term compensation of diabetes, the duration of diabetes and the biological age of the diabetics were statistically significant for the manifestation of diabetic neuropathy. This significance was proved for the factor of biological age (p less than 0.05); there was also a significant correlation between the long-term state of compensation of type 2 diabetes and the manifestation of neuropathy (p = 0.06).