Background: Here we report the first insight into the mitochondrial (Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit I - COI and Cytochrome b - Cyt b) genetic variation of the only Mediterranean cephalocarid Lightiella magdalenina.
Findings: COI sequences provide a scenario of low intraspecific variability, while significant genetic divergence occurs between L. magdalenina and L. incisa. Interestingly, Cyt b sequences reveal a higher degree of intraspecific variability, with no shared haplotypes between the sites considered.
Conclusions: In the future, COI and Cyt b molecular markers could be used as valuable tools to shed new light into the extant species within the genus Lightiella thus providing molecular support to the taxonomical identifications carried out on a morphological basis.
Keywords: Cephalocarida; Lightiella magdalenina; Mediterranean Sea; Mitochondrial genes; Sequencing.