Endoscopic therapy was attempted in 24 patients with spontaneous or postoperative persistent biliary fistulas. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography demonstrated the site of the fistula in 22 cases. Sphincterotomy or biliary stent placement resulted in rapid resolution of the fistula in 16 of 24 patients. Failures were attributed to exclusion of the injured intrahepatic bile duct in two cases, insufficient dilation of a bile duct stricture in one, the large size of the bile duct defect in two, and associated lesions in three (cirrhosis, arterial trauma, subhepatic abscess). Endoscopic management of biliary fistulae requires: (1) visualization of the location of the fistula by retrograde cholangiography especially in case of an intrahepatic lesion, (2) prior percutaneous drainage of associated subhepatic or subphrenic abscesses, and (3) appropriate relief of distal biliary obstruction in order to reduce the intraductal biliary pressure. The outcome is uncertain when endoprostheses are used to bridge large bile duct defects.