There is a great deal of interest in decompositions of multilinear component models in the field of multi-way calibration, especially the three-way case. A flexible novel trilinear decomposition algorithm of the trilinear component model as a modification of an alternating least squares algorithm for three-way calibration is proposed. The proposed algorithm (constrained alternating trilinear decomposition, CATLD) is based on an alternating approximate least-squares scheme, in which two extra terms are added to each loss function, making it more efficient and flexible. The analysis of simulated three-way data arrays shows that it converges fast, is insensitive to initialization, and is insensitive to the overestimated number of components used in the decomposition. The analysis of real excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence and real high performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detection (HPLC-DAD) data arrays confirms the results of the simulation studies, and shows that the proposed algorithm is favorable not only for EEMs but also for HPLC-DAD data. The three-way calibration method based on the CATLD algorithm is very efficient and flexible for direct quantitative analysis of multiple analytes of interest in complex systems, even in the presence of uncalibrated interferents and varying background interferents. Additionally, a theoretical extension of the proposed algorithm to the multilinear component model (constrained alternating multilinear decomposition, CAMLD) is developed.
Keywords: Fluorescence; Liquid chromatography; Multilinear component model; Second-order advantage; Three-way calibration; Trilinear component model.
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