Ring chromosome aberration are rare abnormality potentially involving any chromosome in patients diagnosing in Oncology. The present review and case study has focused on the ring chromosome associated with oncology malignancies.
Material and methods: An electronic peer review article search was performed systematically to obtain relevant literature with the CINAHL, Google scholar, and Pub Med databases. The keywords included marker, abnormalities, structural, Ring chromosome. The inclusion criteria for the review were that the documents were original quantitative research and published in English. This was also initiated using Medline, Mitelman database (http://cgap.nci.nih.gov/Chromosomes/Mitelman), Danish cytogenetic register and other pertinent web references on ring chromosomes in Oncology malignancies. Articles that were not directly relevant to the present objective were excluded. Also the un-stimulated bone marrow specimen of present case manipulated with Methotrexate cells culture synchronization and finally was treated by GTGbanding technique.
Results: Ring chromosome was observed in 10% of the total cells. Cytogenetic analysis demonstrated apparently ring (15) 46, XY, r(15) karyotype. The clinical findings revealed history of nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, night sweats, and a weight loss, anemia and diagnosed as accelerated CML.
Conclusion: Our finding adds to the spectrum of both morphology and genetic rearrangements in oncology malignancies. Additional future analyses in similar subject will be necessary to draw firm conclusions.