Purpose: To assess reproducibility in measuring left ventricular (LV) myocardial stiffness in volunteers throughout the cardiac cycle using MR elastography (MRE) and to determine its correlation with age.
Methods: Cardiac MRE (CMRE) was performed on 29 normal volunteers, with ages ranging from 21 to 73 years. For assessing reproducibility of CMRE-derived stiffness measurements, scans were repeated per volunteer. Wave images were acquired throughout the LV myocardium, and were analyzed to obtain mean stiffness during the cardiac cycle. CMRE-derived stiffness values were correlated to age.
Results: Concordance correlation coefficient revealed good interscan agreement with rc of 0.77, with P-value < 0.0001. Significantly higher myocardial stiffness was observed during end-systole (ES) compared with end-diastole (ED) across all subjects. Additionally, increased deviation between ES and ED stiffness was observed with increased age.
Conclusion: CMRE-derived stiffness is reproducible, with myocardial stiffness changing cyclically across the cardiac cycle. Stiffness is significantly higher during ES compared with ED. With age, ES myocardial stiffness increases more than ED, giving rise to an increased deviation between the two.
Keywords: MR elastography; MRE; cardiac MRE; magnetic resonance elastography; myocardial stiffness.
© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.