The influence of transcranial electromagnetic stimulation on the development of an active avoidance reflex with painful reinforcement in laboratory rats is investigated. It is shown, that an exposure of the rats' brain to electromagnetic radiation in the millimeter range ((λ = 5,6 and 7,1 mm), modulated as a series of low-frequency pulses, leads to a suppression of the development of the conditioned avoidance reflex occurred in 50% of cases. In other 25% of cases irradiation leads to inhibition of reflex development. Transcranial electromagnetic stimulation after intraperitoneal injection of the blocking agent of serotonergic receptors (kitryl) has no influence on reflex development. Electromagnetic brain stimulation does not influence reflex retention in the case when it has been acquired. Based on the data obtained it is assumed that transcranial electromagnetic stimulation promotes the development of serotonin, exerting an inhibiting effect on the formation of temporal bindings of the studied conditioned reflex.