Aim: Frequency of detection determination for past and current hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection markers in children with immune suppression, as well as children with normal immune status.
Materials and methods: The presence of HEV markers (anti-HEV IgG and IgM, HEV RNA) was studied in 609 sera samples of children with neurologic pathologies, 87 samples--from children with immune deficiencies, as well as 3122 samples from conditionally healthy children of 6 regions of Russia. The children were divided into 5 age groups. Anti-HEV IgG and IgM determination was carried out in EIA, HEV RNA--by RT-PCR.
Results: The frequency of detection of anamnestic anti-HEV IgG turned out to be significantly higher among immune-compromised. children compared with healthy children (5.7% against 1.4%, p < 0.05). Anti-HEV IgM, that testify to current or recent infection, were also detected significantly more frequently among children with immune-suppression (1.1-1.6%) compared with healthy children (0.25%, p < 0.05). HEV RNA was detected in 1 child with the absence of anti-HEV IgM and IgG. Nucleotide sequence analysis of HEV confirmed membership of this isolate in genotype 3, that is prevalent in non-endemic territories.
Conclusion: The data obtained have demonstrated, that HEV-infection is prevalent among children in Russia and its course is, probably, asymptomatic in most cases. Immune suppression is a factor of increased risk of infection of children with HEV.