Alginate tubular fiber has been successfully prepared via coaxial fluid crosslink mode, which is potentially used for the construction of vascularized tissue engineering scaffolds (VTES). However, its elastic and smooth surface is negative for the adhesion of fibers. In this study, the gel fractions were controlled in a novel way of two-step crosslink process in order to meet the needs of each processing link. Based on such consideration, an appropriate formulation was selected to direct write single fiber, which ensured the tubular structure with enough gel portion as well as adhesion between fibers with the reserved sol. Finally, the integrity of the scaffolds had a further development within the 2nd crosslink bath process, which would help to solve the question of poor shear resistance for hydrogel scaffolds.
Keywords: Gel fraction; Interface bonding; Sodium alginate; Tubular fiber.
Copyright © 2015 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.