Breast milk provides adequate nutrients during the first 6 months of life. However, there are some reports of zinc deficiency in breastfed infants. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of zinc deficiency in infants aged 4-6 months and the associated factors. Healthy infants aged 4-6 months and their mothers were enrolled. They were classified by feeding types as breastfed (BF), formula-fed (FF), and mixed groups (MF). Data collection included demographic data, perinatal data, given diets, and anthropometric measurement. Blood from infants and lactating mothers, and breast milk samples were collected to assess plasma and breast milk zinc concentrations. From 158 infants, the prevalence of zinc deficiency (plasma level below 10.7 mol/L) was 7.6%, and according to feeding groups 14.9%, 5.3%, and 2.9% in the BF, the FF, and the MF groups, respectively. Breastfed infants with zinc deficiency had significantly lower maternal zinc concentrations compared with those without zinc deficiency. There was a higher proportion of maternal zinc deficiency in zinc-deficient infants than those without zinc deficiency (66.7% vs 16.2%, p=0.02). There was a positive correlation between zinc concentrations in breast milk and plasma zinc concentrations of infants (r=0.62, p=0.01) and plasma zinc concentrations of lactating mothers (r=0.56, p=0.016). Using the regression analysis, infant zinc status was associated with maternal plasma zinc concentrations among breastfed infants. The results of this study suggest that breastfed infants aged 4-6 months may have a risk of zinc deficiency and that risk is associated with maternal zinc status and breast milk zinc concentrations.
母乳为生命的前6 个月提供了充足的营养素,然而,有些报道称母乳喂养婴儿 存在锌缺乏。本研究为确定4-6 个月婴儿锌缺乏的患病率及相关因素。4-6 个 月的健康婴儿和他们的母亲被纳入研究,根据喂养类型将他们分为母乳喂养组 (BF)、配方奶喂养组(FF)和混合喂养组(MF)。收集的数据包括人口学 资料、围产期资料、喂奶和人体测量资料。收集婴儿和乳母的血样本和乳汁样 本来分析血浆和母乳中的锌浓度。158 名婴儿锌缺乏(血浆浓度低于10.7 mol/L)的发生率为7.6%。根据喂养方式,BF、FF 和MF 锌缺乏的发生率分 别为14.9%、5.3%和2.9%。与没有锌缺乏的母乳喂养儿相比,锌缺乏的母乳 喂养儿其母亲的锌浓度显著低。锌缺乏婴儿的母亲锌缺乏比例高于不缺锌婴儿 的母亲( 66.7% 比16.2% ,p=0.02 ) 。母乳中的锌浓度与婴儿( r=0.62, p=0.01)和乳母(r=0.65,p=0.016)血浆中的锌浓度呈正相关。回归分析发现 母乳喂养的婴儿锌营养状况与乳母血浆锌浓度相关。本研究表明母乳喂养的 4-6 个月婴儿存在锌缺乏风险,这种风险与乳母锌营养状况和乳汁锌浓度有 关。.