Understanding the genetics of speciation and the processes that drive it is a central goal of evolutionary biology. Grasshoppers of the Chorthippus species group differ strongly in calling song (and corresponding female preferences) but are exceedingly similar in other characteristics such as morphology. Here, we performed a population genomic scan on three Chorthippus species (Chorthippus biguttulus, C. mollis and C. brunneus) to gain insight into the genes and processes involved in divergence and speciation in this group. Using an RNA-seq approach, we examined functional variation between the species by calling SNPs for each of the three species pairs and using FST -based approaches to identify outliers. We found approximately 1% of SNPs in each comparison to be outliers. Between 37% and 40% of these outliers were nonsynonymous SNPs (as opposed to a global level of 17%) indicating that we recovered loci under selection. Among the outliers were several genes that may be involved in song production and hearing as well as genes involved in other traits such as food preferences and metabolism. Differences in food preferences between species were confirmed with a behavioural experiment. This indicates that multiple phenotypic differences implicating multiple evolutionary processes (sexual selection and natural selection) are present between the species.
Keywords: F ST; RNA-seq; acoustic communication; chorthippus; outlier.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.