Current therapy for stable angina includes surgical and percutaneous revascularization, which has been improved tremendously over the last decades. Smoking cessation and regular exercise are the cornerstone for prevention of further cerebrovascular events. Medical treatment includes treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and antithrombotic management, which can be a challenge in some patients. Owing to the fact the coronary revascularization is readily accessible these days in many industrialized countries, the importance of antianginal therapy has decreased over the past years. This article presents a contemporary overview of the management of patients with stable angina in the year 2015.
Keywords: Angina pectoris; Koronarangiografie; Lifestyle-Veränderungen; angina; angor; antianginal therapy; antianginöse Therapie; coronarographie; coronary angiography; lifestyle changes; medical therapy; medikamentöse Therapie; modifications de l'hygiène de vie; traitement antiangineux; traitement médical.