In preparation for the implementation of the Next Accreditation System in Child Neurology, the authors organized the first meeting of child neurology program coordinators in October 2014. A workforce and program-readiness survey was conducted initially. Coordinator job titles varied widely. Most respondents (65%) managed 1 or more fellowships plus child neurology residency. Most had worked in graduate medical education less than 5 years (53%), with no career path (88%), supervised by someone without graduate medical education experience (85%), in divisions where faculty knowledge was judged inadequate (72%). A small proportion of programs had established clinical competency committee policies (28%) and was ready to implement milestone-based evaluations (56%). A post-conference survey demonstrated substantial improvements in relevant skills. The complexity of residency program management in the Next Accreditation System era supports substantive modifications to the program coordinator role. Such changes should include defined career pathway, managerial classification, administrative support, and continuing education.
Keywords: ACGME; NAS; TAGME; career path; residency coordinator.
© The Author(s) 2015.