Objective: This study tested the reliability of a 5-point ordinal scale used to grade the severity of degenerative changes of zygapophyseal (Z) joints on standard radiographs.
Methods: Modifications were made to a Kellgren grading system to improve agreement for grading the severity of osteoarthritic changes in lumbar Z joints. These included adding 1 grade of no degeneration, multiple radiographic views, and structured examiner training. Thirty packets of radiographic files were obtained, which included representation of all 5 grades including no degeneration (0) and Kellgren's 4-point (1-4) joint degeneration classification criteria. Radiographs were digitized to create a radiographic atlas that was given to examiners for individual study and blinded evaluation sessions. Intrarater and interrater agreement was determined by weighted κ (κw) from the examination of 79 Z joints (25 packets).
Results: Using the modified scale and after training, examiners demonstrated a moderate-to-substantial level of interrater agreement (κw = 0.57, 0.60, and 0.68). Intrarater agreement was moderate (κw = 0.42 and 0.54).
Conclusions: The modified Kellgren 5-point grading system provides acceptable intrarater and interrater reliability when examiners are adequately trained. This grading system may be a useful method for future investigations assessing radiographic osteoarthritis of the Z joints.
Keywords: Diagnostic Imaging; Lumbar Vertebrae; Osteoarthritis; Reliability; Spine; Zygapophyseal Joint.
Copyright © 2015 National University of Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.