The effect of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) (1 g/kg bw) administration for 4 weeks, on thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) metabolism was studied in Wistar rats. The effect on serum binding of T4 has also been studied. Animals were injected with a tracer dose of either labeled hormone and by examining serum L-125I-T4 and L-125-I-T3, kinetics of radiolabeled hormones metabolism were calculated. The T4 metabolic clearance (MCI) as well as the distribution space, were increased by 6 fold. Decreased serum T4 levels result from an increase both in deiodinative and fecal disposal in HCB-treated rats. 125I-T3 metabolism was slightly affected. The enhanced peripheral disposition of thyroxine appears to lead to increased thyroid function, as measured by augmented TSH serum levels and 125I-thyroidal uptake. Serum binding of T4 was not affected.