The proteome profile of Danio rerio embryos grown in the medium containing doxorubicin, included in the phospholipid transport nanosystem (doxolip) has been investigated using combination of 1D-electrophoresis with subsequent MALDI-TOF-PMF mass spectrometry. Cultivation of growing of D. rerio embryos in the medium with doxolip caused a substantial increase in expression of the cytoskeletal proteins, a decrease in the number of nuclear proteins involved in DNA and RNA synthesis and disappearance of vitellogenin 2 in comparison with control (the cultivation medium containing the phospholipid transport nanosystem). Analysis of the proteomic profiles of doxolip-treated embryos suggests lower toxicity of doxorubicin incorporated in the phospholipid nanosystem.
Issledovali belkovyĭ profil' émbrionov ryb vida Danio rerio, vyrashchennykh v srede s doksorubitsinom, vkliuchennym v fosfolipidnuiu transportnuiu nanosistemu (doksolip), ispol'zuia sochetanie odnomernogo élektroforeza s posleduiushcheĭ vremiaproletnoĭ mass-spektrometrieĭ s lazernoĭ desorbtsieĭ i ionizatsieĭ (MALDI-TOF-PMF). Pri vyrashchivanii émbrionov D. rerio v srede s doksolipom otmecheno sushchestvennoe uvelichenie kolichestva tsitoskeletnykh belkov, snizhenie kolichestva iadernykh belkov, uchastvuiushchikh v sinteze DNK i RNK, i ischeznovenie vitellogenina 2 po sravneniiu s kontrolem (sreda s fosfolipidnoĭ transportnoĭ nanosistemoĭ). Analiz proteomnykh profileĭ émbrionov, podvergnutykh obrabotke doksolipom, svidetel'stvuet o snizhenii émbriotoksichnosti doksorubitsina pri vkliuchenii ego v fosfolipidnuiu nanosistemu.
Keywords: Danio rerio; doxolip; doxorubicin; mass spectrometry; one-dimensional gel electrophoresis; phospholipid nanoparticles.