The aim of this study was to compare and analyze the site-specific accuracy of mixture of lipiodol and methylene blue (MLM) (0.6 ml, 1:5) and pure methylene blue (0.5 ml) on the rabbit lungs. In this study, CT-guided percutaneous injection of MLM and methylene blue. Compare the staining degree by biopsy of lung tissue. Use 4 points system to evaluate the site-specific accuracy at 6h and 24 h after injection. For MLM, evaluate its radiopacity by radiation. When evaluate the positioning, 2 points mean acceptable, 3 points mean excellent. The results indicated that the staining range of MLM is obvious less than that of methylene blue (0.6 vs. 1.0 cm, P<0.01), but the staining capacity of MLM is higher than that of methylene blue (2.8 vs. 2.2, P = 0.01). About the staining abilities which are evaluated as excellent, MLM group accounts for 81%, methylene blue group accounts for 38% (P = 0.011). About the radiopacity which are evaluated as acceptable or excellent, MLM group accounts for 62%. With good direct vision, the suitable positioning rate of MLM can be 100%, which is better than that of methylene blue. In conclusion, percutaneous injection of MLM can be used to lung positioning. The result shows that use MLM is better than only using methylene blue. But it is necessary to do the investigation in human beings in order to confirm the feasibility of its clinical application.
Keywords: Lung; intervention; lipiodol methylene blue; radiation; thoracoscope.