The present study was designed to explore the possible effects of Pteris vittata on visual sensitivity, ERG waves, and other components of the visual system. Electrophysiological techniques including electroretinography (ERG) were used in the present study. The phytochemical composition of the extract was investigated using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) techniques. The results indicated that the extract significantly augmented dark- and light-adapted ERG b-wave amplitude. Furthermore, these findings showed that P. vittata extract does not have Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor antagonistic activity but may function as a retinal neural antagonist in bullfrog retina. P. vittata extract improved the visual sensitivity by 0.8 log unit of light intensity, and reduced the regeneration time for rhodopsin. The six main peaks obtained through LC-MS were identified as flavonoids. Based on these results, it was concluded that P. vittata extract or its constituents may be used to treat eye diseases.
Keywords: Brake fern; Electroretinography; Eye; Flavonoids; Pteris vittata L. (Pteridaceae); Visual system.