Electronic Health Record system downtimes may have a great impact on patient care continuity. This paper describes the analysis and actions taken to redesign the Contingency Plan Procedure for the Electronic Health Record System of Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. After conducting a thorough analysis of the data gathered at post-contingency meetings, weaknesses were identified in the procedure; thus, strategic actions were recommended to redesign the Contingency Plan to secure an effective communications channel, as well as a formal structure for functions that may support the decision-making process. The main actions were: 1) to incorporate the IT Contingencies Committee (Plan management); 2) to incorporate the Coordinator (general supervision of the procedure); and 3) to redefine the role of the Clinical Informatics Resident, who will be responsible for managing communication between the technical team and Electronic Health Record users. As users need the information for continuity of care, key users evaluated the impact of the new strategy with an adapted survey.