Vestibular dysfunctions after vibration action in a considerable degree by adaptive-adjustment changes of neurotransmitter processes are determined and regulation of which is possible by endogenous factors, particularly hypothalamic proline rich peptide-1. On Albino rats synaptic changes in single neurons of the inferior vestibular nucleus during high-frequency stimulation of hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei in condition of vibration action and systemic use of proline rich peptide-1 were studied. The poststimulus spike activity of inferior vestibular nucleus neurons in norm was manifested mainly in the form of tetanic potentiation and posttetanic potentation after vibration action. The combination of vibration action and proline rich peptide-1 restores the true balance of excitatory and inhibitory poststimulus reactions and increased level of survival the inferior vestibular nucleus neurons.