The recently developed 2D sum frequency generation spectroscopy offers new possibilities to analyze the structure and structural dynamics of interfaces in a surface-specific manner. Its implementation, however, has so far remained limited to the pump-probe geometry, with its inherent restrictions. Here we present 2D SFG experiments utilizing a novel noncollinear geometry of four incident laser pulses generating a 2D SFG response, analogous to the triangle geometry applied in bulk-sensitive 2D infrared spectroscopy. This approach allows for background-free measurements of fourth-order nonlinear signals, which is demonstrated by measuring the fourth-order material response from a GaAs (110) surface. The implementation of phase-sensitive detection and broadband excitation pulses allows for both highest possible time resolution and high spectral resolution of the pump axis of a measured 2D SFG spectrum. To reduce the noise in our spectra, we employ a referencing procedure, for which we use noncollinear pathways and individual focusing for the signal and local oscillator beams. The 2D spectra recorded from the GaAs (110) surface show nonzero responses for the real and imaginary component, pointing to contributions from resonant electronic pathways to the χ((4)) response.
Keywords: 2D SFG; GaAs; dynamics; multidimensional; nonlinear; time domain.