Actinic keratoses (AK) occur frequently; however, real-life clinical data on personalized treatment choice and costs are scarce. This multicentre one-year observational study investigated patient-characteristics, cost and effectiveness of methylaminolaevulinate photodynamic therapy (MAL-PDT), imiquimod (IMI) and 5-fluorour-acil (5-FU) in patients with AKs on the face/scalp. A total of 104 patients preferred MAL-PDT, 106 preferred IMI and 110 preferred 5-FU. At baseline, significant differences between treatment groups were found; most patients were severely affected (mean 32.5 AK in PDT-group, 20.2 in IMI-group, 22.8 in 5-FU-group). A mean reduction in lesions of 81% after MAL-PDT, 82% after IMI and 88% after 5-FU was found after one year. Annual costs were €1,950 for MAL-PDT, €877 for IMI and €738 for 5-FU. These results show that, compared with clinical trials, in the real-life clinical setting AK patients are usually more severely affected and treatment costs are much higher. Furthermore, patient characteristics are important factors in treatment choice.