Dry eye syndrome is both a primary disease and a secondary result of many pathological states of the eye. The symptoms range from mild to severe itching, burning, irritation, eye fatigue, and even vision loss that can lead to disability. Dry eye affects approximately 60 million people worldwide; as a result, medications to treat dry eye comprise approximately 15% of the ophthalmic pharmaceutical market. While doctors and patients eagerly await new treatments, pharmaceuticals in the pipeline are moving through the approval process with several promising drugs having completed phase 3 clinical testing. This review summarizes the findings of studies of the most promising, upcoming dry eye treatments in phase 2 and 3 clinical trials in the USA.
Keywords: Blepharitis; Dry eye; Human serum albumin; Integrin; Iontophoresis; LFA-1; Mucus penetrating particle; Peptidomimetic; Punctal plug; Serum tears.