The aim was to study the ultrastructure of testicular parenchyma and define the morphological ultrastructure of spermatozoa of agoutis kept in captivity. Segments of testes from eight agouti males at prepubescence, prepuberty, pubescence and sexual maturity were fixed in glutaraldehyde. Laboratory procedures were performed for transmission electron microscopy. Spermatogonial cells of Type A - pale, Type A - dark, intermediate and Type B were found. Spermatocytes in the pachytene phase were abundant among primary spermatocytes. From the prepubertal phase, Sertoli cells exhibited invaginations in the nuclear membrane and lipid inclusions in the cytoplasm due to their phagocytic function. Leydig cells displayed higher metabolic activity during puberty as evidenced by the presence of lipid droplets. Spermatozoa were fully formed morphologically at prepuberty. The centriolar complex had partially degenerated and featured a centriolar space as in rodents. Sperm heads were tapered, without prominence of the acrosome or evidence of the perforatorium, differing from cavies, rats and mice. This is the first study to describe the ultrastructure of agouti spermatozoa. This research may assist as a basis for future work related to fertility and other biotechnologies applied to reproductive biology in agoutis.