I NTRODUCTION: Individuals with X-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM) and other centronuclear myopathies (CNMs) frequently have profound respiratory insufficiency that requires support early in life. Still, few quantitative data exist to characterize respiratory motor function in CNM.
Methods: We evaluated the reliance upon mechanical ventilation (MV), ventilatory kinematics, unassisted tidal volumes, and maximal respiratory pressures in 14 individuals with CNMs, including 10 boys with XLMTM.
Results: Thirteen participants required full-time, invasive MV. Maximal inspiratory pressures were higher in subjects who breathed unsupported at least 1 hour/day as compared with 24-hour MV users [33.7 (11.9-42.3) vs. 8.4 (6.0-10.9) cm H(2)O, P < 0.05]. Years of MV dependence correlated significantly with MEP (r = -0.715, P < 0.01).
Conclusions: Respiratory function in CNMs may be related to deconditioning from prolonged MV and/or differences in residual respiratory muscle strength. Results from this study may assist in evaluating severe respiratory insufficiency in neuromuscular clinical care and research.
Keywords: centronuclear myopathy; clinical trial design; mechanical ventilation; myotubular myopathy; respiratory function.
© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.