Background: Failures of communication between professional caregivers and physicians affect the quality of supply of nursing home residents.
Aim: As part of a model project it was aimed to develop a training for caregivers to improve communication and promote cooperation with physicians.
Methods: For the needs assessment as a basis to develop the training 56 professional caregivers and 40 physicians engaged in nursing home care answered questionnaires regarding their cooperation. Based on these results a module for communication between professional caregivers and physicians was developed and adapted the TANDEM communication training for caregivers by Haberstroh and Pantel (2011). 25 professional caregivers in leading positions have been trained as multipliers in order to provide their colleagues the communication training with the additional element (TANDEMplus). TANDEMplus was evaluated in forms of reflection rounds and feedback questionnaires.
Results: 254 professional caregivers, housekeeping staff and daytime companions participated in a complete TANDEMplus training by the multipliers until July 2014. The implementation of their developed communication strategies into practice was experienced positively by the participants.
Conclusions: The module “communication with physicians” is relevant for professional caregivers to raise awareness of their own competence and facilitate a structured information exchange at eye level. The training of multipliers was executed in order to ensure transfer effects and sustainability.
Keywords: Altenpflegeheim; Kommunikation; Kooperation mit Ärzten; Multiplikatorenschulung; TANDEM; communication; cooperation with physicians; nursing home; training for multipliers.