Multicystic nephroma (MCN) is relatively a rare, nongenetic and benign lesion of the kidney which has a bimodal distribution. The congenital form is commonly seen under the age of 2. Adult-onset MCN is more often seen in women, especially in post menopausal females. The aetiopathogenesis of MCN is still unknown. Ovarian-like stroma of the tumour indicates the tumour originates from the mullerian tissue of the kidney. Hormonal theory is suggestive as the stroma of the tumour is positive for estrogen and progesteron. Preoperative diagnosis of MCN is difficult. Surgical approach is recommended both for the histological diagnosis and the treatment of the disease. We here present a 53-year-old female patient with MCN admitted to the urology clinic with left flank pain treated successfully with partial nephrectomy. No recurrence was noted after six months of clinical and radiological follow-up.
Keywords: Benign; Ovarian like stroma; Postmenapausal female.