It has been reported that pain relief for patients with cancer is suboptimal in Japan. This has been mainly attributed to inadequate dissemination of the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for cancer pain management. To better understand this problem, we reviewed how 6 hospital palliative care teams (HPCTs) used the WHO guidelines for unrelieved pain in a 1-year audit that included 534 patients. The HPCT interventions were classified according to the contents of the WHO guidelines. In our study, HPCT interventions involved opioid prescriptions in >80% of referred patients, and "For the Individual" and "Attention to Detail" were the 2 most important principles. Our study indicates which parts of the WHO guidelines should be most heavily emphasized, when disseminating them in Japan.
Keywords: WHO guidelines; analgesics; audit; cancer pain relief; opioid; palliative care team.