Aim: This retrospective study is aimed to review demographic and clinical characteristics of IBD to elucidate the probable factors associating with IBD development in Taleghani Hospital in Iran since 2001 during a 12-year-period.
Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) are two major idiopathic entities of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Previous studies have reported an increased incidence of IBD in Middle East countries.
Patients and methods: In the present study 1914 patients with UC, 318 patients with CD and 25 with indeterminate colitis (IC) were included. Demographic information, clinical features, extraintestinal manifestations, complications and extension of disease were collected and interpreted for all participants. According to the time of registration, patients were divided into seven groups. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test.
Results: In seven groups of IBD patients, disease registry was estimated for UC, CD, and total IBD during a 12-year-period. From 2001 to 2005, a relative increased registry was observed among UC patients. However, in the years 2006 and 2007 a significant reduction in the number of patients was reported. Then an increasing trend was observed in UC patients. UC presented mostly with diarrhea, hematochezia and bloody diarrhea, while most of CD patients complained of abdominal pain.
Conclusion: Evaluation of data related to registered IBD patients in Iran shows that probable incidence and prevalence of IBD (UC and CD) is increasing compared to previous decades.
Keywords: Crohn’s disease; IBD; Iran; Ulcerative colitis.