Background: Children living in poverty are at high risk for delays in development of language and behavior and they experience a discrepancy in diagnosis and access to intervention services. This gap is partially caused by barriers in access as well as traits that are specific to each child and family. The Identification of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in Underserved Children using Telehealth (INvesT) trial is a novel intervention approach that was specifically designed to address these barriers.
Aims: The INvesT trial has three primary aims: 1) to reduce the age of identification of neurodevelopmental disability for high-risk, low-income children. 2) To validate the INvesT protocol as a service delivery model that will decrease age of identifications of neurodevelopmental disability for high-risk, low-income children; and 3) to identify important child-specific factors, family-specific factors, and environmental factors that impact feasibility and success of the INvesT trial for high-risk, low-income children.
Methods: The INvesT trial is an open-label, double-blinded, placebo-controlled multi-level study that includes telehealth risk assessment, telehealth screening, traditional full assessment, and follow through to enrollment in early intervention. The trial is conducted in partnership with an urban community health clinic that largely serves a low-income patient population.
Conclusions: The results of the INvesT trial will provide evidence for the use of a telehealth service delivery model to improve access to care for neurodevelopmental disabilities for high-risk, low-income children.
Keywords: Clinical trial; Developmental surveillance; Neurodevelopmental disability; Pediatrics; Telehealth.
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