Background: Cognitive, affective, and behavioural disturbances are commonly reported following thalamic strokes. Conversely, sleep disorders are rarely reported in this context.
Observations: Herein, we report the cases of two young patients admitted for an ischemic stroke located in the territories of the left pre-mammillary and paramedian arteries. Together with aphasia, memory complaint, impaired attention and executive functions, they reported lucid dreams with catastrophic content or conflicting situations.
Conclusion: Lucid dreams are an atypical presentation in thalamic strokes. These cases enlarge the clinical spectrum of sleep-wake disturbances potentially observed after an acute cerebrovascular event.
Keywords: Cortico-thalamo-limbic network; Infarctus thalamique; Lucid dreams; Réseau cortico-thalamo-limbique; Rêves lucides; Sleep-wake disturbances; Thalamic stroke; Troubles du cycle veille–sommeil.
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