Proteomic analyses have become an essential part of the toolkit of the molecular biologist, given the widespread availability of genomic data and open source or freely accessible bioinformatics software. Tools are available for detecting homologous sequences, recognizing functional domains, and modeling the three-dimensional structure for any given protein sequence. Although a wealth of structural and functional information is available for a large number of cytoskeletal proteins, with representatives spanning all of the major subfamilies, the majority of cytoskeletal proteins remain partially or totally uncharacterized. Moreover, bioinformatics tools provide a means for studying the effects of synthetic mutations or naturally occurring variants of these cytoskeletal proteins. This chapter discusses various freely available proteomic analysis tools, with a focus on in silico prediction of protein structure and function. The selected tools are notable for providing an easily accessible interface for the novice, while retaining advanced functionality for more experienced computational biologists.
Keywords: Comparative modeling; Homology modeling; Multiple sequence alignment; Protein domains; Proteomics; Secondary structure prediction; Sequence similarity; Structure analysis; Threading.