Objective: This study assessed long-term quality of life (QoL) after subtotal gastrectomy (STG) and total gastrectomy (TG) by comparing groups matched by a set of patient factors at and beyond postoperative 5 years. The cause of QoL gaps based on symptomatic and behavioral consequences of surgery were investigated.
Background: Survivors after STG and TG were matched by a set of patient factors (age, sex, stage, chemotherapy, and postoperative period). QoL data were obtained from 53 and 36 pairs of survivors at and beyond postoperative 5 years, respectively.
Methods: The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QoL Questionnaire (QLQ)-C30 and QLQ-STO22 were used to assess QoL. QoL comparisons between STG and TG groups were made for 5-year survivors and long-term survivors.
Results: Five-year survivors after TG showed significantly worse QoL in social functioning, nausea and vomiting, eating restrictions, and taste. For long-term survivors, QoL inferiority of the TG group was observed only in eating restrictions. Among 4 items constituting eating restrictions, the TG group tended to exhibit worse QoL in 2 items (enjoyable meals and social meals).
Conclusions: Although 5-year survivors after TG still suffer from QoL inferiority from symptomatic and behavioral consequences of surgery, inferiority from behavioral consequences will persist even after symptomatic inferiority to STG survivors is no longer valid. Efforts to ameliorate persistent QoL inferiority in TG survivors should be directed toward restoring dietary behaviors, where TG survivors are prevented from enjoyable meals and social meals.