Intestinal fibrotic stricture is a major complication of inflammatory bowel disease. Despite its clinical importance, anti-fibrotic therapy has not been implemented. Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is considered to be a major factor contributing to tissue fibrosis. We have previously shown that the administration of a small compound, HSc025, which promotes the nuclear translocation of YB-1 as a downstream effector of IFN-γ and antagonizes TGF-β/Smad signaling, improves fibrosis in several murine tissues. In this study, we evaluated the anti-fibrotic effect of HSc025 on colorectal fibrosis in TNBS-induced murine chronic colitis. Daily oral administration of HSc025 (3, 15 and 75 mg/kg) suppressed collagen production and decreased the severity of colorectal fibrosis in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the local production of TGF-β was decreased after HSc025 treatment, whereas that of IL-13 and TNF-α was not affected. HSc025 administration maintained the level of IFN-γ production, even at a late stage when IFN-γ production was lost without the drug treatment. These results demonstrate that HSc025 could be a therapeutic candidate for intestinal fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease that acts by altering the local production of cytokines, as well as by directly suppressing collagen production.
Keywords: 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid; Colorectal fibrosis; IFN-γ; Inflammatory bowel disease; TGF-β; YB-1.
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