Background: SAMHD1 counteracts HIV-1 or HIV-2/SIVsmm that lacks Vpx by depleting the intracellular pool of nucleotides in myeloid cells and CD4+ quiescent T cells, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of retroviral DNA by reverse transcriptase. Depletion of nucleotides has been shown to underline the establishment of quiescence in certain cellular systems. These observations led us to investigate whether SAMHD1 could control the transition between proliferation and quiescence using the THP-1 cell model.
Findings: The entry of dividing THP-1 myeloid cells into a non-dividing differentiated state was monitored after addition of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), an inducer of differentiation. Under PMA treatment, cells overexpressing SAMHD1 display stronger and faster adhesion to their support, compared to cells expressing a catalytically inactive form of SAMHD1, or cells depleted of SAMHD1, which appear less differentiated. After PMA removal, cells overexpressing SAMHD1 maintain low levels of cyclin A, in contrast to other cell lines. Interestingly, SAMHD1 overexpression slightly increases cell adhesion even in the absence of the differentiation inducer PMA. Finally, we found that levels of SAMHD1 are reduced in proliferating primary CD4+ T cells after T cell receptor activation, suggesting that SAMHD1 may also be involved in the transition from a quiescent state to a dividing state in primary T cells.
Conclusions: Altogether, we provide evidence that SAMHD1 may facilitate some aspects of THP-1 cell differentiation. Restriction of HIV-1 by SAMHD1 may rely upon its ability to modify cell cycle parameters, in addition to the direct inhibition of reverse transcription.