The synthesis and anion-recognition properties of the first halogen-bonding rotaxane host to sense anions in water is described. The rotaxane features a halogen-bonding axle component, which is stoppered with water-solubilizing permethylated β-cyclodextrin motifs, and a luminescent tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II)-based macrocycle component. (1) H NMR anion-binding titrations in D2 O reveal the halogen-bonding rotaxane to bind iodide with high affinity and with selectively over the smaller halide anions and sulfate. The binding affinity trend was explained through molecular dynamics simulations and free-energy calculations. Photo-physical investigations demonstrate the ability of the interlocked halogen-bonding host to sense iodide in water, through enhancement of the macrocycle component's Ru(II) metal-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) emission.
Keywords: anions; halogen bonding; molecular dynamics; rotaxanes; supramolecular chemistry; water.
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