Revised Basis Sets for the LANL Effective Core Potentials

J Chem Theory Comput. 2008 Jul;4(7):1029-31. doi: 10.1021/ct8000409.


We suggest a new contraction of the basis sets associated with the Hay-Wadt relativistic effective core potentials (RECPs) for the main group and transition metal atoms. These bases are more suitable for density functional theory investigations than the previous 'double-ζ' contractions based upon Hartree-Fock atomic results. The original Hay-Wadt primitives are now contracted [5s5p3d], [4s4p3d], and [4s4p3d] for the first, second, and third transition series, respectively, and denoted as LANL2TZ basis sets. For the main group atoms, we advocate using a completely uncontracted basis denoted LANL08. While modestly extending the size of the basis, the resulting sets should be suitable for both DFT and wave function based approaches. The valence bases for the transition metal atoms can be supplemented with the polarization functions determined by Frenking.