Background: Meningioma is the most common intracranial tumor. The aim of the present study was to correlate apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values with cellularity, Ki-67 and nucleic area in meningioma cases.
Patients and methods: Twenty-four meningothelial meningiomas were included in the study. Diffusion-weighted imaging was performed using a multi-slice single-shot echo-planar imaging sequence. In all lesions minimal ADC values (ADCmin), mean ADC values (ADCmean), and maximal ADC values (ADCmax) were estimated. Additionally, true ADC values (D) were calculated. All tumors were resected and analyzed histopathologically. The tumor proliferation index was estimated on Ki-67 antigen-stained specimens. Cell density was calculated in every case as an average cell count per five high-power fields. All histological samples were analyzed for estimation of nucleic size and nucleic area. The ImageJ software 1.48v was used for analysis. Analyses of the estimated parameter were performed by means of two-sided t-tests. Correlation analysis was performed using the Pearson's product moment correlation.
Results: The mean values of ADCmin, ADCmean, ADCmax, and D were 0.64±0.11, 0.89±0.13, 1.15±0.27, and 0.75±0.20×10-3 mm(2)s(-1), respectively. The estimated mean cell count was 1160.08±33.86 cells and the mean level of the proliferation index was 3.46±2.84%. The mean values of average nucleic area and total nucleic area were 65.42±19.38 μm(2) and 64481.87±21120.02 μm(2), respectively ADCmean correlated significant with Ki-67 level, average nucleic area, and total nucleic area, but not with cell count. ADCmin and D correlated significant with cell count and total nucleic area, but not with Ki-67. D was also associated with average nucleic area. ADCmax correlated slightly with cell count.
Conclusion: Several relationships between ADC and histological parameters in meningioma were assessed. ADCmean was negatively associated with Ki-67 level, average nucleic area, and total nucleic area. There was no significant correlation between ADCmean and cell count. ADCmin and D correlated well with total nucleic areas and cell count, but not with Ki-67. ADCmax correlated slightly with cell count.
Keywords: ADC; Ki-67; Meningioma; nucleic area; tumor cellularity.
Copyright© 2015 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved.