Background/aim: Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF) repre sents a chronic pathological process characterized by fibro sis which entraps and compresses the ureters and the grea blood vessels in the retroperitoneal space. A specific form of RPF is idiopathic RPF, an uncommon collagen vasculaj disease of unclear etiology. The series of 15 patients whicl underwent open surgical repair due to idiopathic RPF is presented herein.
Methods: From 1989 to 2012, 11 male and 4 female patients underwent surgery due to primar RPF. The ureters were entrapped unilaterally (7 patients), or bilaterally (8 patients). Major symptoms included low bacl pain due to hydronephrosis (9 patients), uremia (4 patients) and urinary tract infection (2 patients). The diagnosis was based on intravenous urography (IVU), retrograde uretero pyelography and computed tomography (CT).
Results: Surgical procedures included intraperitoneal ureteral dis placement (8 patients) and ureteral wrapping with omental flap (6 patients). One patient underwent bilateral uretera stenotic segments resection and oblique ureterography, followed by wrapping with omental flap. Pathological examination confirmed primary RPF in all patients. The meat operative time was 3.5 h (range 2.5-4.5 h). The average in trahospital stay was 21 days (range 16-26 days). The meat follow up was 32 months (6-46 months). During the follow up, 12 patients had improvement on IVU.
Conclusion: Early recognition of signs and symptoms of RPF is of the utmost importance for the outcome. Surgical procedures including ureteral wrapping with omental flap, or intraperi toneal ureteral displacement, usually represent definitive treatment.