We present a simplified modification to a technique for early or mild in-the-bag subluxation that avoids conjunctival and scleral incisions and minimizes intraocular manipulation. While the capsulorhexis edge is grasped with an intraocular forceps to stabilize the IOL-capsular bag complex, a 10-0 polypropylene suture on a long curved needle is used to secure the fibrotic superior capsulorhexis edge to the midperipheral iris at 12 o'clock using a combination of a modified McCannel suture and a Siepser sliding knot.
Financial disclosure: Dr. Condon receives speaker and consultant fees from Alcon Surgical, Inc., Allergan, Inc., and Microsurgical Technology. Although the Microsurgical Technology Condon snare instrument is named after him, Dr. Condon reports no patents, fees, or payments related to it. Dr. Siegel has no financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned.
Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.