Glycosylated lysosomal membrane protein (GLMP) has been reported to enhance the expression from a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) responsive promoter, but also to be an integral lysosomal membrane protein. Using myotubes established from wild-type and Glmp(gt/gt) mice, the importance of GLMP in skeletal muscle was examined. Glmp(gt/gt) myotubes expressed a more glycolytic phenotype than wild-type myotubes. Myotubes from Glmp(gt/gt) mice metabolized glucose faster and had a larger pool of intracellular glycogen, while oleic acid uptake, storage and oxidation were significantly reduced. Gene expression analyses indicated lower expression of three PPAR-isoforms, a co-regulator of PPAR (PGC1α) and several genes important for lipid metabolism in Glmp(gt/gt) myotubes. However, ablation of GLMP did not seem to substantially impair the response to PPAR agonists. In conclusion, myotubes established from Glmp(gt/gt) mice were more glycolytic than myotubes from wild-type animals, in spite of no differences in muscle fiber types in vivo.
Keywords: Cultured myotubes; Glycosylated lysosomal membrane protein; energy metabolism; peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; skeletal muscle.